Simply the hottest, baddest and best hot sauce I have ever tasted
I crack the seal, grab a handy silver (yes, sterling ... I only use the best for this kind of adventure) and carefully drop two (2) drops into the bowl, followed by a slight wipe-off of the bottle on the edge of the spoon (I think this is 2 & 1/2 drops ... ), and then simply stick the whole thing in my mouth ...
The following few moments are a bit hard to describe ... I will try to capture them as I remember them (and believe me, they are MEMORABLE!!!!). The first sensation is that I can't move ... then, I feel like I have put a blowtorch straight down my throat (what was Deep Throat about, anyway ... ), and then I have the sensation that I have run, nose first, into a concrete wall, at something exceeding 25 MPH, with no headgear, and no time to turn sideways.
After that, 20-30 minutes pass where varying degrees of the same sensations go through my head, alternating with a seriously basic instinct to simply breathe. It was the most serious capsicum rush I've ever experienced, along with the most seriously confused emotional reaction regarding whether continuing to or to simply give up and die was the better choice.
In conclusion, you've outdone yourself - this is simply the hottest, baddest and best hot sauce I have ever tasted. Most people will not be able to tolerate even a drop, but, for those incredibly sick individuals who have completely succumbed to capsicum addiction, this is a very rare treat. My congratulations.
Posted by Steve D. from Indiana